/*/comment() | comment.xml | |
//text() | text.xml | |
processing-instruction() | processing-instruction.xml | |
//self::node() | node.xml | |
processing-instruction('somethingelse') | processing-instruction-L.xml | |
//xsl:* | hxp.xsl.xml | |
/a/* | star.xml | |
//d | name.xml | |
/*/*/namespace::* | namespace.xml | Firefox does not support the namespace axis. |
//@* | attribute.xml | |
self::* | self.xml | |
parent::* | parent.xml | |
child::* | child.xml | |
descendant::* | descendant.xml | |
descendant-or-self::* | descendant-or-self.xml | |
ancestor::* | ancestor.xml | |
ancestor-or-self::* | ancestor-or-self.xml | |
preceding::* | preceding.xml | |
preceding-sibling::* | preceding-sibling.xml | |
following::* | following.xml | |
following-sibling::* | following-sibling.xml | |
Figure 3-5 from Essential XML Quick Reference | ||
/a/b[1] | one.xml | |
/a/b[last()] | last.xml | |
/a/b/.. | duplicates.xml | Demonstration of the missing duplicate node elimination; result should be a single node. |